Coaching Process

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Understanding the Coaching Process is key to the attainment of successful outcomes.

The Great Minds Coaching Process involves four distinct phases: Visioning, Self-Awareness (Getting to Know You), Goal Setting, and Implementation.

However, coaching is a personalized experience and each client will experience each phase differently and derive the specific benefits they need. Let's take a look into each of the four phases:

Phase One - Visioning

  • Clarification of Expectations and Outcomes. What can coaching do for you?
  • Understanding the Process. How does coaching work?
  • Clarification of Vision. What is your vision for your business, your career, your life?
  • The GMC Coaching Process “begins with the end in mind” by clarifying expectations of the coaching experience and assisting you in clearly defining your vision for your business, your career and your life.

Phase Two – Self-Awareness

  • Do you know your strengths, all of them?
  • Do you know your weaknesses, all of them?
  • If you are in business, what are your core competencies?
  • What are your values?
  • Do you know your BRAND?
  • What are your greatest challenges?
  • Are you aware of your level of Emotional Intelligence?
  • Are you familiar with your Personality Type?
  • These and other questions are answered and further developed in the second step of the GMC Coaching Process.

Phase Three – Goal Setting

  • What are your goals?
  • Do they exist in written form?
  • Are they developed to take full advantage of your strengths?
  • Are your goals in line with your vision and your values?
  • Are they S.M.A.R.T? Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Relevant, Time-based
  • Do they challenge and motivate you, your organization?
  • The Establishment of realistic and meaningful goals is the focus of Step Three.

Phase Four – Implementation

  • Do you have implementation strategies to assist you in attaining your goals?
  • Are you aggressively implementing these strategies?
  • Are you aware of the factors that keep you from implementing?
  • What do you do when you “get stuck?”
  • Have you identified your support system(s)?
  • Do you ever experience conflict between “your life” and your goals?

Step four is all about exploring possibilities, developing implementation strategies and removing road blocks which prevent you from reaching your goals and “living your dream!”
Can you see yourself in this process? Are there any un-met needs here that you feel coaching could help you fulfill?

How I Work With You

Coaching sessions are a confidential space in which busy people can take time out to reflect and do their own best thinking. I encourage clients to develop greater self-awareness, creativity and resourcefulness; to overcome limiting patterns of thought and behaviour; to play to their strengths; and to find fresh perspectives on challenging issues.

My role is to hold up the mirror, to help clients see the wood for the trees, to get quickly to the heart of an issue or challenge. Clients leave my sessions with much greater clarity around what they want or need to do. Feeling motivated, they are engaged and ready to take the next step.

As a result of our work together, my clients can expect to:

Develop their unique personal strategies and systems for success

Build their leadership styles and organizational coaching skills

Maximize their ability to effectively manage individual and organizational challenges

Develop their executive presence

No longer feel they are “going it alone!”

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